2020 is almost over and I just turned 42

Gold Poovan Devasagayam
4 min readDec 21, 2020

Gratitude, creation, self-care and miracle

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Let me start with a big congratulations to you and everyone around you, physically and virtually, for coming this far into 2020.

The year is racing to its end with lots of regrets, lessons and gearing for an unexpected new year. No resolutions making exercise is going to deter that we are stepping into a murky 2021 with trepeditation.

I love the weeks leading up to New Year. There’s a renewed sense of hope and salvation.

Without mysteries, life would be very dull indeed. What would be left to strive for if everything were known? ~Charles de Lint

Future is always unknown to mankind for it makes life more interesting with a mixed of mysterious alchemy.

We soldier on and try to keep calm as the Queen would advise us to do so.

The pause we experienced for the past eleven months may have dampen some of your mood and even damaged a soul or two. It’s been a tough year on top of all the usual life challenges; work, husbands, neighbors, friends and all.

I kept asking myself what is the lesson here who as humanity were going to take away. Maybe there are no divine wisdom at all. We simply had to accept the reality and get on. Some of us have been more successful than others. Do not despair the sunny skies would be upon us soon.

For me gratitude and it’s many facades of sensitivity got me through this year in one piece. Only gratitude alone was able to intensify the glow from a dimmed light.

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Usually I would advocate setting resolutions and goals. This is a special time so DON’T make any and I’m sure you’ll be alright.

Please do not add more pressure to your life.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” -Robert Louis Stevenson

Natheless I’m going to leave you with four seeds. You are going to plant, water and grow them. They are going to germinate in your body, mind and soul, and going to make everything better.

Trust me.

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash


This is an easy one and we’ve been talking about it from the beginning of this article. Everyday close your eyes and find one thing to be thankful for.

It gets even more powerful if you find a pen and courage to write it down.

Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash


Find something to create or be part of creation. The fulfillment that comes from the process is exhilarating.

It connects your body, mind and soul on a single linear line to heaven.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Self care

Do something for yourself today and daily. Keep it simple. Sip a fresh cup of coffee and relax on a couch. Go for a walk and take deep breaths. Switch off your digital devices for ten minutes and look out the window. Pick one and do it every day.

Self care=Self love.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash


Believe in the magic of life. The universe is working hard to bring good things onto your path and remove obstacles along the way.

Miracles are not in short supply but in abundance. We are just too caught up with life and we can’t see it.

Just believe.

My 42nd Birthday

Before I forget, yes you heard it right. I am 42 and still fabulous. My birthday week started with 60 multi-colored roses delivered by a cute delivery boy.

What more can I ask for? Everything else was perfect.

Hang in there.. everything is going to be OK!



Gold Poovan Devasagayam

Marketing trainer by the day and aspiring writer at all other times | Life Lessons 📚, Personal Experiences 🤔 & Travels ✈️ | https://linktr.ee/gpoovan